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NY CLOSE Scalper剥头皮外汇EA | Mql5 市场售价:900 USD
实盘信号源2:https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/323124(NW EA and NY Close Scalper)
·外汇EA名称:NY CLOSE Scalper剥头皮外汇EA。这款EA属于超短线交易,每单带止盈止损,对点差和平台交易环境要求较高。适合低交易成本账户是使用。但是每单交易间隔时间较长(1-10天不等),只能在VPS全天运行等待交易机会,且盈利汇报周期较长。可以同时挂上不同品种(低成本货币)来增加收益回报。每单开仓都在临近收盘或开盘附近,类似于早盘头皮EA,对平台订单处理和滑点要求较高。平仓获利百分比70%—90%,如果有合适的平台可以适当放大交易手数。
· 交易时间周期:M5周期。
· 推荐资金:$200本金/0.01手。
· 重要提示:在MT4界面选–工具–选项–EA交易–充许WebRequest用于所列 URL 打勾,并添加网址:http://fxdata.cc 和 http://backup.fxdata.cc
dailyEquityStopPercentage: IMPORTANT: please read point 6 in the?blog post.
orderComment?- Each trade will show this comment in history tab.
magicNumber?- individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number.
lotType?- “fixed” or “increasing”, where the lot size is calculated automatically.
fixLots?- fixed lot size in case lotType = fixed.
lotStep?- how much the lot size should be increased every equityPerStep (if lotType = increasing).
equityHardStop?- if the equity falls below that level the EA will close open positions (only of this strategy) and will not open any new positions.
pipInPoints?- for 5-digit brokers, this should be 10, for 4-digit brokers 1.
slippagePoints?- Slippage used in OrderSend() function (points, not pips).
maxSpreadPips?- maximum spread allowed for entry. If smaller 0, auto settings will be used, which are different for each currency pair.
liveGMToffset?– To set GMT offset manually. Usually this is not needed.
skipSunday?- if true the EA will not open positions on Sunday (GMT).
startHourGMT?- when to start trading (GMT).
endHourGMT?- when to stop trading (GMT).
waitMinutesBetweenSameSideEntry– After a buy position another buy position will only be allowed after the given time. Same for sell positions. If you are sleeping during the trading hours you could limit the potential total risk with this parameter. If the last hour was a loss the EA will automatically increase waitMinutesBetweenEntries by 15 minutes.
dontTradeTripleNegativeSwap?– If true, the EA will not open trades on before?swapHourGMT?when the swap is negative on days with triple swap rate.
tripleSwapDay?– Day at which tripple swap is applied. On most borkers it is Wednesday.
swapHourGMT?- Swap hour used if dontTradeWednesdayNegativeSwap=true.
testerGMToffset?- Only needed for tester because GMT time is not defined in tester and your bar data might have a GMT offset.
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